Tips to improve your American English while working virtually
Because what you say and how you say it, in English, does matter. Come and learn how to improve your American English with an expert!
Having trouble communicating in English as a second language? Are you asked to repeat what you just said very often, especially now that you are working remotely? Do you hesitate to speak up at a meeting?
This interactive workshop is for intermediate/advanced speakers of English who want to become more effective and confident while working virtually.
Come prepared to tell your story and share your experiences and observations with the group. Also, be prepared to give a short introduction of yourself and/or your business. What you say and how you say it, in English, does matter.
You will learn:
- Accent reduction strategies
- Key presentation techniques
to improve your story, your business, your brand and your ability to network while working at home.
We will focus on the Music of American English and work with your key vocabulary.
Come and learn how to improve your American English while working remotely.
Scottie Spurzem is known as the “English Language Coach” in the San Francisco Bay Area, leveraging her Investor Relations and communications background. She is a versatile English coach/consultant who helps her domestic and international clientele improve their English for doing business, networking, making investor pitches and other internal/external stakeholder presentations. Scottie works with individuals, corporations and accelerator/entrepreneurship programs.
She is also a graduate of UC Berkeley and an Industry Fellow at the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET) at UC Berkeley.
Before launching the English Language Coach in 2015, Scottie taught English as a Second Language (ESL) and managed Spurzem Consulting Group, an Investor Relations Consulting firm in San Francisco. Prior to that she had opened up the west coast office for a large Investor Relations agency. In addition to her IR work she held positions at regional brokerage firms in Syndicate (where IPO’s are physically issued to the US stock market) and in Municipal Bond sales.
Who? An expert & up to 6 participants
How? A Interactive Workshop
When? Tuesday, April 14th 2020, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Where? Online
Why? Because what you say and how you say it, in English, does matter.
Price? Free for members ; $15 for non-members
Tips to improve your American English while working virtually
Event ended.